1. For dyeing with woad you will need fresh woad leaves (dried ones don't work), soft water (rainwater is ideal), stale urine, wood ash liquer (made by adding wood ash to water and leaving to settle for a few days, then straining out the ash), bran, wool, scales, a basin, a pan and rubber gloves to protect your hands.

3. Cover leaves completely with soft water that is almost boiling

5. Measure out 4oz of bran for each half gallon of urine you will be using.

7. Add wood ash liquer to the (now orange) woad liquid and stir with a whisk.

9. Put the bran and the urine in a sealable container (half fill it)

11. Remove from liquid. Allow to oxidise to add colour then return to liquid for another few days. Repeat until you achieve the depth of colour wanted.

2. Chop or rip up the woad leaves

4. Cover the soaking woad and weight the lid down. The water will slightly overflow as you do this as there shouldn't be an air gap at all. Leave to soak for 30-40 minutes. This is to prevent oxidation.

6. Wring out the leaves and remove them from the liquid.

8. The liquid will turn blue/green. Keep stirring for 5 minutes to oxidise the mixture.

10. Top up with the dye liquid and then put the wool in. Seal up and leave for at least two weeks in a warm place such as an airing cupboard.