A group meal held on Twelfth Night, when people traditionally celebrated after Christmas.
It included two
meat dishes, three vegetable dishes, two sweet dishes and marzipan subtleties, all of
which was laid out
on the table at the start, rather than served as separate courses.
Drinks included wine and 'lamb's wool' (a
mulled beer recipe).

These are subtleties, made of marzipan and painted with food colouring. As well as being decorative they
can be eaten between other dishes to clear away strong flavours.

A pie shaped to look like a fish. The filling is root vegetables and guyere cheese, flavoured with nutmeg
and allspice.
A boar's head shape sculped out of a mixture of pork and beef mince with ginger and cardamon. The
tusks are
parsnips and the eyes are radishes. Cloves are used to decorate the snout.

A roasted pig's head. These can be ordered from some butchers. Cooking takes several hours.
Most of the meat is in the cheeks.
"A Feast of Scotland" - Janet Warren - Lomond Books - 1 85051 112 8
"Banquetting Stuffe" - edited by C. Anne Wilson - Edinburgh University Press - 0-7486-0282-8
"Pepys at Table" - Michelle Berriedale-Johnson -
"Pleyn Delit" - Sharon Butler, Constance B Hieatt, Brenda Hosington - University of Toronto Press - 0802076327
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